What Spider Tattoo Mean? You Should Know Before Get One

Simran Kaur
2 min readJun 18, 2023


In Indian culture, the spider plays an important role as a creature that weaves the fabric of reality, linking it to the cosmic order of the planets. This symbolism is reflected in “The Upanishads”, an Indian book of wisdom that delves into deep philosophical teachings about life and the world. The spider is closely associated with this revered text, representing a creator and disseminator of knowledge through its complex and multidimensional webs.

In addition to its association with wisdom, Hinduism associates the spider web with the concept of Maya, meaning “illusion”, due to the illusory nature of spider web-weaving techniques. This association highlights the transient and illusory nature of our perceptions and experiences.

Furthermore, spiders have been attributed solar symbolism by various cultures. With their radial appearance and the similarity of their webs with the Sun, they are thought to be solar organisms. The spider’s eight legs also symbolize progress, infinity and harmonic balance, further enhancing its multifaceted significance.

Mythological deities associated with spiders span a variety of cultural backgrounds. In Greek mythology, Arachne is a goddess who was transformed into a spider after challenging and defeating Athena in a weaving contest. The Egyptians worship Neith as their weaver goddess, while Anansi is a spider god from African folklore who taught humans the art of weaving. Native American tribes of the Southwest Territories hold Grandmother Spider as a revered entity, linking the spirit of nature to creation and wisdom.

The spider, as exemplified by these various interpretations and symbols, emerges as a creature of remarkable depth and meaning. Should you choose a spider tattoo as a guardian creature, you may want to consider trying a temporary design first to assess its visual appeal. We offer you a selection of options to explore!

source- zestvine

